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Month: July 2019 Page 1 of 3

Saint Ignatius of Loyola

July 31

Saint Ignatius of LoyolaGood Savior, Saint Ignatius was wounded in battle and had to spend months in recovery.  He wanted to pass the time reading adventure books about knights, but all he could find were biographies on the saints.  Reading these, he felt challenged to do what the saints had done.  I ask him to pray for people to make good choices in reading material.  Take away from me and my loved ones, O Lord, any interest in books and magazines that do not contribute to our relationship with You, and do the same with all forms of entertainment.  Increase in us a desire to learn from the biographies of saints.  Saint Ignatius, pray for us.  Amen.

QUOTES by Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Pardon me, O mercy of my God, for having despised so long Your mercy’s voice. In deep sorrow and contrition, I cast myself at Your feet: Have mercy on me. >>

Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous, teach me to serve You as You deserve: to give and not count the cost, to fight and not heed the wound, to toil and not seek rest, to labor and not seek reward, save that of feeling that I do Your will. >>

After you have made a decision that is pleasing to God, the Devil may try to make you have second thoughts. Intensify your prayer time, meditation, and good deeds. For if Satan’s temptations merely cause you to increase your efforts to grow in holiness, he’ll have an incentive to leave you alone. >>

If you seek peace and tranquility, you will certainly not find them so long as you have a cause for disturbance and turmoil within yourself. >>

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Peter Chrysologus

July 30

Saint Peter ChrysologusDear God, Saint Peter Chrysologus was called “the golden-worded one” because of his outstanding gift of preaching.  He could be powerful yet brief, direct while being compassionate, and persuasive without being judgmental.  I ask him to pray for my own use of words.  Holy Spirit, give me Your words to speak whenever I am in any conversation, even casual ones—in the grocery store or church, serving on jury duty or parish committees, dealing with loved ones or addressing strangers, meeting people of status or facing those who make a poor impression.  Let Your words become my words.  Saint Peter, pray for me.  Amen.

QUOTES by Saint Peter Chrysologus

When you fast, if your mercy is thin your harvest will be thin; when you fast, what you pour out in mercy overflows into your barn. Therefore, do not lose by saving, but gather in by scattering. Give to the poor, and you give to yourself. You will not be allowed to keep what you have refused to give to others. >>

There are three things, my brethren, by which faith stands firm, devotion remains constant, and virtue endures. They are prayer, fasting and mercy. Prayer knocks at the door, fasting obtains, mercy receives. Prayer, mercy and fasting: these three are one, and they give life to each other. >>

Let prayer, mercy and fasting be one single plea to God on our behalf, one speech in our defense, a threefold united prayer in our favor. >>

Mildness overcomes anger, meekness extinguishes fury… patience is the scourge of impatience, gentle words vanquish quarrelsomeness, and humility prostrates pride. >>

Fasting is the soul of prayer; mercy is the lifeblood of fasting. So if you pray, fast. If you fast, show mercy. >>

God desires not death, but faith. God thirsts not for blood, but for self-surrender. >>

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Martha

July 29

Saint MarthaO Sweet Jesus, Saint Martha lived in Bethany with her brother and sister, Saints Lazarus and Mary.  She attended to Your physical needs while You rested and fellowshipped with good friends.  I ask her to pray for my gift of hospitality.  Teach me, dear Lord, how to truly welcome friends, family, and strangers.  Increase in me the same respect for them as I would give to You if You appeared in the flesh.  Help me to invite You into my home through the choices I make in television shows, conversations with others, and the type of jokes I tell or listen to.  Give me a spirit of holy hospitality.  Saint Martha, pray for me.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Samson

July 28

Saint SampsonFather in Heaven, Saint Samson was a holy monk who exceeded those around him in spiritual maturity.  When he met some Irish monks whose spiritual education was more advanced than his own, he went with them to Ireland so he could learn from them while he served at their side.  I ask him to pray for my own opportunities to learn how to grow in holiness.  Show me, O Lord, the books, the classes, and the retreats that would be good for me.  Bring into my life people who are more advanced spiritually than I am, so that I can learn from their wisdom and experiences.  Saint Samson, pray for me.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Pantaleon

July 27

Saint PantaleonO Powerful Holy Spirit, Saint Pantaleon was a Christian who, little by little, let the sinful examples of those around him eat away at his morals until he actually got to the point of forsaking his Christian Faith.  It was through a holy priest that he later realized the grave sin he had committed.  I ask him to pray for me and all of my family members and friends to remain strong in our relationship with You despite the many influences of the world.  Protect our faith from being eaten away by the slow poisons of this environment, and send people into our lives who will encourage our purity.  Saint Pantaleon, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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