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Category: July Page 2 of 7

Saint Veronica

July 12

Saint-Veronica.jpgO My Jesus, Saint Veronica served You on the way to Calvary by wiping Your beloved face with a towel on which Your sacred image then appeared.  She protected this treasure, and whenever people touched it, they were miraculously healed.  I ask her to pray for the growth of my ability to see Your sacred image in others, to recognize their hurts, to stop and join them on their difficult journeys, and to feel the same compassion for them as she did for You.  Show me how to wipe their faces, serve their needs, and heal their wounds, reminding me that as I do this for them, I also do this for You.  Saint Veronica, pray for me.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Benedict

July 11

Saint-Benedict.jpgGood Jesus, Saint Benedict believed in excelling and doing his very best to honor You.  When he attended school, the undisciplined attitude of the other students dismayed him.  Later, when he founded twelve monasteries, the demand for spiritual excellence in his Monastic Rule was so frustrating to lazy monks, some of them tried to poison him, but he blessed the drink and consumed it with no ill effects.  I ask him to pray for the protection of my family, my church, and my friendships against the wickedness of Satan.  Teach us, O Lord, to use Your cross to conquer the evil in our world today.  Saint Benedict, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Amalburga

July 10

Saint-Amalburga-of-Maubeuge.jpgDear Holy Spirit, Saint Amalburga was the mother of three children whom she home-schooled and raised in the Faith.  All three became canonized saints.  I ask her to intercede for the mothers I know, especially those involved in home-schooling.  Help them to raise their children under Your guidance and lead them into holy adult lives.  Teach all parents, O Lord, to rely on the Blessed Mother as their role model, so that the true Faith is passed onto their children.  Where adult children have strayed from the Church, send them angels and human witnesses who will bring them back.  Saint Amalburga, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Martyrs of Orange

July 9

Martyrs-of-Orange.jpgO Beloved Jesus, the martyrs of Orange were thirty-two nuns of several religious orders and were jailed during the French Revolution.  In that dismal prison cell, they formed into a single community.  They prayed together, encouraged each other, and bonded in love.  I ask them to pray for the community of my parish, my circle of friends, and small faith sharing groups in all churches.  O Lord, raise up more groups that are true communities in the way we pray together and in the way we love each other.  Help us to overcome the loneliness of individualism and self-centeredness that is so common today.  Martyrs of Orange, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Kilian

July 8

Saint-Kilian.jpgHoly God, Saint Kilian was a bishop who traveled throughout his diocese to reach all the parishes and minister to his flock.  He realized that his calling to be a missionary meant going beyond the borders of his own country, so he took eleven companions and left home to evangelize Gaul.  I ask him to intercede for me whenever I travel, that wherever I go I am a missionary for You, O Lord.  Help me to chose vacations that are more than just pleasure trips that serve only me. Provide me with opportunities to share my faith every place I go, both locally and afar, and give me safety in all of my trips.  Saint Kilian, pray for me.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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