Thank you for complying with copyright laws!
Note: If you want to make copies for a church or other organization, please go to Catholic Digital Resources where it is professionally published as handouts.
Individual persons are granted copy permission according to the following parameters:
- You may print or digitally save copies for your own personal use.
- You may not use your own mailing list to distribute our work. Please let us do that! Invite your friends to join our list. By giving us the opportunity to serve your friends, you will be ministering to them and building their faith in even more ways than you could accomplish by yourself.
- If you received it by email from Good News Ministries, you may forward it via email to your personal friends and family or print out a few copies to give to others, but not on a regular basis. It is better that they sign up to receive it directly from us so that we can minister to them more fully.
- You may not post it online. The best way to share our works on your website or blog or Facebook, etc., is to post an excerpt with a link to the original source and encourage others to read them on our site so we can have more opportunities to minister to more people. This protects our ministry while giving us more opportunities to serve.
- Facebook and other social networks are great for sharing the Good News. To share our content, first “like” us on our Facebook fan page. Then like, comment, and/or share what we post there. These posts are designed for easy sharing. Since we do not allow entire reflections or articles to be posted anywhere on the internet outside our own websites, we provide eye-catching photo-quotes and excerpts that include links to the full reflection so that you can share them in this limited format.
- Full credit is required for any sharing of our work. This means including the copyright notice and a link back to the original source or the home page of our website.
- When sharing any of the Good News Reflections, they must be left fully intact, forwarded or printed AS IS, complete with copyright information and links back to Good News Ministries.
- You may not edit our work, you may not add to it, and you may not shorten it without first showing us your changes and obtaining specific permission for your adaptation.
- If you have a ministry of visiting the elderly, hospitalized, homebound, imprisoned or such, and you feel led by God to read our works aloud to them, you do not have to mention the author’s name nor Good News Ministries. The one copy you print out to read from is your own personal copy. However, to leave copies with those to whom you minister, contact us for specific permission.
- Please make a donation. This is how we support the staff and equipment that enables us to provide the works you want to share. We are 100% donor-supported.

Okay, so why should we make such a big deal about copyright protection? Click here to find out!
Any questions? Can we help you share the Good News in a way that’s not covered by the above guidelines? Please write to Terry Modica.