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Category: April Page 1 of 6

Saint Pius V

April 30

Saint-Pius-VHeavenly King, Saint Pius V was the pope who reformed the Church after the Protestant division.  To propagate improved standards, he published a new breviary and missal, he issued a new catechism to help people understand clearly the teachings of the Church, and he promoted the Rosary.  I ask him to pray for the Church today.  Help us, Lord, to renew our parishes in the strength of true doctrine; to learn the teachings of the Magisterium so that we become certain of our Faith, to overcome false beliefs and weed out misconceptions, and to better utilize the devotions and prayers of our heritage.  Saint Pius V, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Catherine of Siena

April 29

Saint-Catherine-of-SienaO My Savior, Saint Catherine of Siena took her faith out into the world to make a difference for Your Kingdom.  She served as a spiritual guide to many, she affected politics, and she convinced the pope to return the Church’s leadership to Rome.  By word and deed, she taught that Christians should influence the world with their spiritual values.  I ask her to pray for me, that I will recognize the opportunities around me in which I can assert my Christian Faith to help shape society.  Lord, fill me with a desire to get involved in the world’s affairs, and show me how to do it well.  Saint Catherine of Siena, pray for me.  Amen.

QUOTES by Saint Catherine of Siena

Only your love could so dignify the flesh of Adam. And so by reason of this immeasurable love I beg, with all the strength of my soul, that you freely extend your mercy to all your lowly creatures. >>

The pearl of justice is found in the heart of mercy. >>

Out of mercy you have washed us in his Blood, out of mercy you have wished to converse with creatures. O crazed with love! It did not suffice for you to take flesh, but you also wished to die! … O mercy! My heart drowns in thinking of you: for no matter where I turn to think, I find only mercy. >>

O dearest daughter, I have determined to show my mercy and loving kindness to the world, and I choose to provide for mankind all that is good…. I want you to know: whatever I give to man, I do it out of my great providence. >>

I see your mercy pressing you to give us even more when you leave yourself with us as food to strengthen our weakness, so that we forgetful fools should be reminded forever of your goodness. >>

Everything comes from love; all is ordained for the salvation of man. God does nothing without this goal in mind. >>

Now we are the vessel that has received this blood. And we are the rock into which the standard of the most holy cross was set. >>

To the servant of God … every place is the right place, and every time is the right time. >>

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Peter Chanel

April 28

Saint-Peter-ChanelHoly Spirit, Giver of Life, Saint Peter Chanel became a priest at a time when many had lost interest in the Faith.  Assigned to a parish that was spiritually dead, he discovered that frequent prayer and daily Mass kept him from becoming discouraged.  In just three years of working to inspire people to get excited about Jesus and His Church again, the parish came alive with spiritual fervor.  I ask Saint Peter to intercede for my parish.  Lord, enliven the people who don’t have much enthusiasm, and give a spiritual hunger to those who don’t attend Mass.  Bring renewed life to the Church.  Saint Peter Chanel, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
Good News Ministries @
from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Zita

April 27

Saint-ZitaLord God, at age twelve, Saint Zita was sold to a family as a domestic servant, and she stayed in that position for the rest of her life.  Because of her Christian beliefs, she often gave away her food, and sometimes her master’s food, to those who were needier than herself.  This caused problems with her employers.  I ask Zita, patron saint of domestic servants and homemakers, to intercede for the members of my family and friends who are responsible for household tasks and raising children.  O Jesus, help them with their problems, especially those created by the choice to stay home to serve the family.  Saint Zita, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Radbertus

April 26

Saint-Paschasius-RadbertusLord Jesus, Saint Radbertus was a scripture scholar who wrote Bible studies, including an in-depth commentary on the Gospel of Saint Matthew.  His most popular writing was entitled, The Body and Blood of Christ.  I ask him to pray for an increase in my knowledge of scripture and for a greater devotion to the Sacrament of the Eucharist.  When others doubt or question Your True Presence in the bread and wine of Holy Communion, help me to speak up—boldly and convincingly—to defend the truth with intelligence, knowledge of scripture, and personal testimony.  Saint Radbertus, pray for me.  Amen.

[To increase devotion to the Holy Eucharist, read Terry Modica’s book, My Soul Shall Be Healed @]

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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