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Category: August Page 1 of 7

Saint Raymond Nonnatus

August 31

Saint Raymond NonnatusDear God, Saint Raymond Nonnatus spent his inheritance paying the ransom for Christians who had been enslaved and even traded himself to set others free.  Because he miraculously survived his birth as his mother died, he is a patron saint for pregnancies.  I ask him to pray for the safe delivery of the unborn children of my family, neighborhood and church.  Holy Spirit, touch those who are considering abortion and give them the courage to bring their babies to term.  Bless all mothers as they make sacrifices for their families.  Pour Your generosity upon the families graced with many children.  Saint Raymond, pray for us.  Amen.

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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Fiacre

August 30

Saint FiacreO Lord, Saint Fiacre was a holy hermit to whom people came in droves to learn more about the Christian Faith.  Concerned about their lack of food and shelter during their visits with him, he built a hospice and farmed the land to supply their needs.  I ask him to pray for farmers and all those who provide nourishment and sanctuary.  Father, increase the yield of our crops, give us good growing weather, and multiply the resources to meet the needs of the people.  Bless the ministries that help the needy and homeless and increase the donations they receive so that there is always enough to give out.  Saint Fiacre, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Beheading of John the Baptist

August 29

Beheading of John the BaptistO Divine Savior, Saint John the Baptist was zealous in his preaching about the need to repent because he wanted everyone to be reconciled with You.  So strong was his conviction that he could not keep silent, even when he knew his honesty came with a cost.  I ask him to intercede for me as I identify the sins in my world.  Help me to speak up when You want me to get involved—in the pro-life movement, in helping our society elect holy men to political office, in challenging others to let go of their attachments to money and possessions for the sake of the needy, and in fighting evil wherever it abounds.  Saint John, pray for me.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Augustine

August 28

Saint AugustineBlessed Redeemer, when Saint Augustine was a young adult, he rejected his upbringing, converted to a false religion and lived immorally.  It was a lifestyle he did not want to give up, but he finally realized that nothing truly satisfied him except friendship with You.  He said, “Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and are restless until they rest in You.”  I ask him pray for those who are stubborn in their rejection of You.  Help them to get more deeply in touch with their inner restlessness and continually increase in them the awareness that their lives are empty until they turn to You.  Saint Augustine, pray for us.  Amen.

QUOTES by Saint Augustine

Those who did not want to practice mercy before the judge came will not expect mercy from the judge. Those who wanted to practice mercy will be judged with mercy. >>

God in his mercy did not abandon men. He sent his Son to redeem us, not with gold or silver but at the price of his blood poured out for us. >>

If you want to meet a merciful judge, be merciful before he comes. Forgive if someone has offended you; give away the possessions of which you have in abundance. >>

Two works of mercy set a man free: forgive and you will be forgiven, and give and you will receive. >>

Our only hope, our only confidence, our only assured promise, Lord, is Your mercy. >>

That your enemies have been created is God’s doing; that they hate you and wish to ruin you is their own doing. What should you say about them in your mind? Lord be merciful to them, forgive them their sins, put the fear of God in them, change them! You are loving in them not what they are, but what you would have them to become. >>

O Lord, is it possible for men to know that You died for him and for him not to live for you? >>

On earth, we are wayfarers, always on the go. This means that we have to keep on moving forward. Therefore, be always unhappy about what you are if you want to reach what you are not. If you are pleased with what you are, you have stopped already. If you say: ‘It is enough,’ you are lost. Keep on walking, moving forward, trying for the goal. Don’t try to stop on the way, or to go back, or to deviate from it. >>

‘Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.’ How foolish, therefore, are those who seek God with these outward eyes, since He is seen with the heart! As it is written elsewhere, ‘And in singleness of heart seek Him.’ For that is a pure heart which is a single heart. >>

Because we are human, we are not strong. Because we are not strong, we pray. >>

We know we are traveling together. If our pace is slow, go on ahead of us. We won’t envy you but rather will seek to catch up with you. However, if you consider us capable of a quicker pace, run along with us. There is only one goal, and we are all anxious to reach it … some at a slow pace and others at a fast pace. Let everyone’s sighs be uttered in longing for Christ. Let us run to Him and cry out for Him. >>

God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them. >>

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Monica

August 27

Saint MonicaBlessed Lord, Saint Monica was the mother of Saint Augustine, and for many years prayed and cried and did penances for her son.  As a result, he became a Doctor of the Church and one of her greatest theologians.  She is the patron saint of alcoholics and children who disappoint their parents, so I ask her to pray for all those I know who are taking a long time finding a true relationship with You, especially those trapped by addictions.  I also ask her to pray for the parents; Lord, give us signs of hope.  And I offer up my sufferings as penances on behalf of those who most need Your forgiveness.  Saint Monica, pray for us.  Amen.

See also the Litany of Saint Monica

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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