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Category: January Page 2 of 7

Saints Timothy and Titus

January 26

Saints-Timothy-and-TitusGod Our Father, Saints Timothy and Titus were Paul’s disciples, as well as his close personal friends and partners in evangelization.  I offer up to You my calling to share the salvation of Jesus.  Help me to grow in courage to evangelize boldly and confidently.  Bring into my life friends who will partner with me in spreading the Good News, and bless for this purpose the friends I already have.  Help us to be Christ’s witnesses by the way we love and serve each other.  Teach us to show by our own lives the way to holiness.  Bless us and the people who will hear and see our testimony.  Saints Timothy and Titus, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Paul the Apostle

January 25

Saint-Paul-the-ApostleLoving Savior, on this the Feast Day of Saint Paul the Apostle, I ask for a share in his passionate enthusiasm for spreading the Gospel.  You saved him from the belief that Christians were heretics; help me to resist judging and persecuting others out of a lack of understanding their beliefs, and teach me how to turn people away from wrong beliefs to You—Who are the Way and the Truth.  Bless me with the same boldness and conviction and leadership that Saint Paul the Apostle had, with words provided by the Holy Spirit.  And inspire all Christians to have this same zeal for sharing their faith.  Saint Paul, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Francis de Sales

January 24

Saint-Francis-de-SalesLord Jesus, when You told Saint Francis de Sales to “Leave all and follow Me,” he developed a life of devotion to You, self-discipline, prayer, and kindness toward all.  Now he is the patron saint of authors, the Catholic press, and journalists.  I seek his intercession for all writers and publishers, especially those who profess to be servants of God.  Give them the help of the Archangel Saint Michael, and protect them from the attacks of the Evil One who wants to stop their work.  Help them to hear the Holy Spirit’s guidance on what to write and publish, and what words to use that will make a difference.  Saint Francis de Sales, pray for us.  Amen.

QUOTES by Saint Francis de Sales

Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset. >>

However, always remember to focus on God when trying to amend your life, not self. Trust in His mercy. Give Him praise under all conditions. >>

All of us can attain to Christian virtue and holiness, no matter in what condition of life we live and no matter what our life work may be. >>

The more we distrust our own strength, the more we should confide in the divine mercy. This is a balance in which the more the scale of confidence in God is raised, the more the scale of diffidence in ourselves descends. >>

During the course of the day, recollect as often as you can that you stand in the presence of God. Consider what He does and what you are doing. You will find His eyes turned towards you and perpetually fixed on you with an incomparable love. >>

Bearing the image of God in ourselves, all of us are consequently the image of each other. Together we constitute the image of one portrait, that of God. >>

Do not examine whether what you do is little or much, good or ill, provided it is not sin, and provided that in good faith you will do it for God. >>

Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow, and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering, or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace,” then. Put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations. >>

God, who calls us to Him, watches how we get there and will never allow anything to happen to us except for our greater good. >>

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint John the Almsgiver

January 23

Saint John the AlmsgiverGenerous God, Saint John the Almsgiver used to say: “If we are able to enter the church day and night and implore God to hear our prayers, how careful we should be to hear and grant the petitions of our neighbor in need.”  Transform my attitude toward the poor and all those who have needs.  Increase in me a desire to give to those who can benefit from what I have.  Teach me to hear what others are really asking, to identify what I can give that would help, and to find a loving way to grant it.  I want to become as generous as Saint John the Almsgiver in being the steward of Your gifts as an answer to their prayers.  Saint John, pray for me.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Vincent of Saragossa

January 22

Saint-Vincent-of-SaragossaHoly God, Saint Vincent of Saragossa served You as a permanent deacon and gave his whole life and soul to You, even to the point of becoming a martyr.  I lift up to You the deacons of the Church and all those who are being called by God to become deacons.  Guide them as they discern how to serve the Body of Christ.  Prevent the attractions of the world and the busyness of secular jobs from interfering with their vocations.  Teach them to grow in humility.  Help their families learn from their examples and support their diaconates with trust and joy.  Saint Vincent, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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