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Category: June Page 1 of 6

First Martyrs of the Church of Rome

June 30

First-Martyrs-of-the-Church-of-Rome.jpgO Jesus Christ, the first martyrs of the Church of Rome were unnamed Christians who were brutally killed by Nero.  They were forced to wear animal skins and hunted, and they were made into living torches to brighten the road on which Nero traveled.  I ask these martyrs to pray for me when I am in fear.  Give me strength, O Lord, from their example of courage.  Deliver me from all the fears I have: the petty ones, the hidden ones, and the most paralyzing ones.  Fear causes us to believe lies about ourselves and stops us from growing, but Your love casts out all fear.  Help me to “be not afraid!”  Holy first martyrs of the Church of Rome, pray for me.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

June 29

Saints-Peter-and-Paul.jpgBlessed Redeemer, the Apostles Peter and Paul were leaders and models in strengthening the faith of the infant Church, and I ask them to pray for my faith to grow strong.  Saint Paul wrote in his second letter to Saint Timothy, “I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have.”  Wherever I am still a baby in my relationship with You, weak and uncertain, I ask Saints Peter and Paul to pray for me to grow into spiritual maturity.  Help me, O Lord, to increase in faith and trust.  Where Your presence is but a spark in me, fan it into a flame that brightens other people’s lives.  Saints Peter and Paul, pray for me.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Irenaeus of Lyons

June 28

Saint-Irenaeus-of-Lyons.jpgFaithful Jesus, Saint Irenaeus of Lyons was privileged to be a student of Saint Polycarp, who had been a disciple of Saint John the Apostle.  He said: “I listened to Saint Polycarp’s instructions very carefully.  I wrote down his actions and his words, not on paper, but on my heart.”  I ask him to pray for all those who are my instructors, especially those who have helped me advance on the spiritual path, including my friends and family.  Give them special blessings for all they have taught me, and humble me when I don’t want to accept their instructions.  Let the truth take root in my heart.  Saint Irenaeus of Lyons, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Cyril of Alexandria

June 27

Saint-Cyril-of-Alexandria.jpgHoly Jesus, Saint Cyril of Alexandria defended the Blessed Virgin Mary’s title as Mother of God, at a time when there was much persecution against her.  He called her “Hail, Mary, Mother of God, venerable treasure of the whole universe.”  I ask him to pray for my own relationship with the Blessed Mother.  Reveal to me, Lord Jesus, how much of a treasure she really is to me.  Make me more aware of her motherly concern and of the gifts she gives to me through her prayers.  When I am being oppressed by the Evil One, remind me of the protection she offers as she fights on my behalf.  Saint Cyril of Alexandria, pray for me.  Amen.

QUOTES by Saint Cyril of Alexandria

“But God said, I require mercy, and not sacrifice; and the acknowledgement of God, and not whole burnt offerings” (Hosea 6:6). What is meant by mercy? and what by sacrifice? By mercy then is signified Justification and grace in Christ; even that which is by faith. For we have been justified, not by the works of the law that we have done, but by His great mercy. And sacrifice means the law of Moses. >>

By nature, each one of us is enclosed in his own personality, but supernaturally, we are all one. We are made one body in Christ, because we are nourished by one flesh. As Christ is indivisible, we are all one in Him. Therefore, He asked His Father — that they may all be One as We also are one. >>

There was no other way for us who have borne the image of the man of dust to escape corruption, unless the beauty of the image of the man of heaven is imprinted upon us through our having been called to sonship. >>

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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Saint Anthelm

June 26

Saint-Anthelm.jpgGod of Heaven, Saint Anthelm strayed from You when he got caught up in Church politics, seeking leadership positions to increase his power and authority.  However, during a visit to a monastery, the attitude of service he witnessed changed his heart.  Resigning from his office, he joined that monastery.  I ask him to pray for the people in my diocese, town, and nation who are controlled by a desire to gain positions of status for their own personal benefit.  Help us all, dear God, to discover that our truest and best successes come only from knowing Your love and living a life of service.  Saint Anthelm, pray for us.  Amen.

This prayer was brought to you by
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from Terry Modica’s book
Daily Prayers with the Saints

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